Our Story
Did you know:
- We have been working side by side since 2009
- Sara secured her first client in 2004 and is still recruiting talent for her to this day
- We have had all 3 unplanned babies within weeks of one another! Was there something in the water? One does wonder…
- We are like sisters, soulmates and now Boss-wives
- We are each others sounding boards, whether it be making a decision professionally, or deciding on the latest fashion trends that work for us. We take both of the above decisions as seriously as one another
- With a Call Centre Super background, Sara walks the walk and talks the talk in a language not often understood
With different skillsets professionally and personally, we both bring something different to the Mecca Recruitment Group. Sara loves to talk, and she excels at it! A super power in building long lasting connections, standing front and center for Mecca Recruitment Group. If you were to ask Sara what she dislikes most, she would give you 2 very pointed answers. Anchovies and Administration / Behind the Scenes Operations. Luckily, we have Rachel to swing on in with her steadfast efficiency, her strong understanding of compliance and the processes required to achieve the fast paced nature of this industry we love so much. She’s the scaffolding that keeps the structure strong! Together we’re the ultimate team.

Sara Arara
What Rachel REALLY thinks of Sara?
Having known Sara for 12 years, I am still consistently surprised by her energy, drive and boundless enthusiasm for her professional career. If you give her a cause, she’s committed to it. If you ask her a question, she usually has an answer for it. If she needs to find another hour in her already full Day Calendar, she’ll find it.
Her industry knowledge has not only been achieved through her years of experience, but because she is constantly driven by a deep-seated passion to learn more, do better for her clients and kick massive goals along the way. She’s a people person too and is super skilled at making anyone and everyone in the room feel welcome and included. Put simply, she’s all-round pretty awesome!

Rachel Funnell
What Sara REALLY thinks of Rachel?
If you’ve ever had the luck of meeting Rach, you’ll quickly learn that she is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. You know those people who’s reputation precedes them? They’re KNOWN for being nice…this is Rachel. Genuine, kind and considerate.
Her caring nature is mashed up with a steadfast determination to thrive in life and get the job done, no matter how hard. Her philosophy is; Say yes and panic later! You’ll never actually see the panic as she always appears so unruffled by pressure, in fact she thrives under it! I believe that’s the reason that we work so successfully as a team. With our combined strengths, we never crumble and only get better at what we do.
Rachel has a gift for making everything happen in the background without fuss or fanfare. She may not be the loudest person in the room, but she’s the most important. Also, she’s a wizard when it comes to her laser focus and attention to detail. She doesn’t give up until she is satisfied with the end product.
Everyone needs a Rach in their life!
Our Philosophy
We are here to simplify the recruitment process and have fun along the way

Our Promise To You

Our goal is to remove unfair barriers, ensuring applicants have access to fair opportunities, and feel safe and confident when discussing their history with Mecca Recruitment Group; aiming to create an atmosphere of inclusion.